Sunday, January 13, 2013

Still Workin'

So, I did approximately two questions on my anatomy homework since the last post. I'm feeling pretty proud of myself. I wish I could just turn off the rest of my computer besides the informative part of Google, which I can use to finish my homework faster. But I can't do that. So I continue to procrastinate. It is 1:17 AM. I'm going to die tomorrow. I really need to finish this stuff. I already decided to pull an all-nighter. If I'm going, I better go all the way. Once I fall asleep, there's no turning back. I sometimes think I can take an "hour power nap" It turns into me falling into hibernation with no hope of even waking up for school in the morning. I've done this before. There's no doubt that I won't be at all cognizant tomorrow. It's a fact I have to accept. I am now turning on cheerful upbeat music to fuel my brain. It's going to be a long night...

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