Sunday, January 13, 2013

Book Challenge Again.

So, two minutes later, no homework done, and I'm writing another post. I entered another book challenge. I have to read six books by the end of January. So here are mine
Shiver by Maggie Stiefvater finished January 2nd
Hopeless by Colleen Hoover- No progress whatsoever
Infinite Days by Rebecca Maizel- No progress, and I don't even know what it's about
Nine Lives of Chloe King by Liz Braswell- 7% finished
Your Guardian Angel by Skyla Madi- Not started

And then The author that's new to me
Wake by Amanda Hocking. But I'm changing that to Love and Other Perishable Items by Laura Buzo, because I had wanted to read that forever, but I thought it was called Good Oil, not that, so I just now figured it out and bought it. The rational human being would think, "Oh, this book looks really cute! Why isn't it available in the US??? Hmm, well there's another book by this author that is available. I'll check and see if THAT looks any good." And then I would've seen that it had the same blurb about it that Good Oil did, and I would've realized that, Hey! It was just published under a different title here! How funny! Anyways, my point is that I could've read it a lot sooner, but I had to be stupid and not look at Buzo's other book. But I finished it in one day, and she IS a new author to me, so I think I'm going to replace Wake with Love and Other Perishable Items. I don't think I'll have time for a seventh book.

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